Digileum Technologies


Exploring Global Potential in Managing GCCs Worldwide

Welcome to Mind Search Consultants, your strategic partner in crafting, managing, and optimizing Global Capability Centers (GCCs) for businesses worldwide. Our end-to-end solutions guarantee a seamless and efficient setup tailored to your distinct needs. Explore limitless possibilities .with us


IT Project Consulting and Identifying Global Partners

Embark on your IT journey with the support of seasoned experts who understand the intricacies of the digital landscape. Our IT project consulting services are designed to propel your organization through every phase of the project lifecycle, ensuring success at every turn

Key Services:

Strategic Global Capability

From conception to execution, Mind Search Consultants provides comprehensive
solutions covering of establishing  GCCs.

Talent Management

Unlock access to niche skill sets and the top 2% of global talent. Our talent management
services ensure your GCC 

Tailored Workspaces

Craft a workspace that attracts and retains top talent. Mind Search Consultants experts design and optimize work 

Efficient Operations

Focus on your core business while Mind Search Consultants handles day-to-day
operations and payroll
cost savings.


Global Strategic Perspective

Ready to strategically elevate your global presence? Kickstart your journey towards a strategically successful GCC

Global Talent Unleashed

Access specialized skill sets and tap into the top 2% of talent globally,

Boosted Productivity and Retention

Experience over 30% higher productivity and employee retention compared to
outsourced teams


Achieve at least 40% lower costs with enhanced transparency and operational efficiency.

Agile Responses to Market Demands

Cut project timelines by 30%, ensuring your business can adapt swiftly to changing
market demands.

What We Do

Strategic GCC Solutions for Global Success

Unlock access to top-tier global talent, optimize work environments, and streamline operations for enhanced productivity and cost-efficiency. Elevate your global presence and achieve success with our strategic GCC solutions.

How we help your business


Featured Insights


Got Questions ?

If you have any other questions – please get in touch at  support@digileum.in

A Global Capability Center (GCC) is a centralized hub for business operations. Mind Search Consultants provides end-to-end solutions, helping businesses set up and manage GCCs seamlessly.